Now why don’t he write?

For those folks who are wondering why I’m not posting quite so frequently, let me reassure you that the Purple Fuzzy Monster is still working away on Jump War. The basic problem was that I was spending an awfully long time writing battle reports, and not enough time doing the last bit of playtest on my rules.

Which is a good thing, too, because the scenarios needed a rewrite. When the designer is reading stuff he wrote, and wondering, “what did I mean here?” you know it’s time to rewrite your scenario rules.

The other announcement is that I’ve got a table reserved at Kingdom Con, so have a deadline to get everything put together so that folks who can make the demo can download copies of the rules afterwards.

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Workbench: Iron Wind Metals’ Earendel Aero-Fighter

Bare metal.

Bare metal.

Spaceship casters will sometimes produce a line of miniatures that consist solely of a fleet’s warships, and not bother with the fighters. I’ve got a few fleets like that — plus a couple of discontinued fleets that I now can’t get the fighters for. Rather than augment these fleets with X-Wings and Vipers, I went looking for somebody who sells fighters without spaceships.

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Port Strike: Eldar Corsairs v. Mauridian Expeditionary Fleet

The Area of Operations.

The Area of Operations.

Today’s battle recounts yet another Eldar Corsair port strike. (You think that’s what Eldar do?) The location is Neptune (the big blue gas giant), and one of its moons is being played by Encedalus. The Octan Station is orbiting Encedalus, and the Mauridians sortie in defense. As usual, click on the pictures for higher resolution.

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Fleet Engagement: Mauridian Expeditionary Fleet vs. Imperial Battlefleet Gothic

An asteroid field with a dwarf planet.

An asteroid field with a dwarf planet.

The Mauridians are invading, and the Imperial fleet has sortied to intercept. They square off in the inner sphere, near a cluster of asteroids. (The dwarf planet is being played by Mimas.) As usual, click on the pictures for more detail.

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Workbench: Litko Custom Missiles

Right out of the box.

Right out of the box.

I’ve been using some of Litko Game Accessoriesmissiles in the playtest, but they haven’t been perfect. So I decided to order some to my specifications. Here’s unwrapping and assembling the custom missiles, in the style of my usual workbench articles. As usual, click on the pictures to zoom in.

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Port Strike: Kharadorn Royal Navy v. Chaos

An Octan Station, orbiting Mars.

An Octan Station, orbiting Mars.

The Second Coalition War continues, as the Kharadorn Royal Navy attacks the Octan Station orbiting Mars. Defending against (fictional) Kate’s attack is (fictional) Camille and her Chaos fleet. As usual, click on the thumbnails for more detailed pictures. (The quality this time is a little worse than previously seen, as I’m working with a new space, and had to retouch pretty much every picture I took.)

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Port Strike: Eldar Corsairs v. Terran Republic Navy

The Eldar fleet approaches Saturn.

The Eldar fleet approaches Saturn.

In today’s installment of the Jump War playtest reports, the Eldar Corsairs strike at another port, this time an Octan station orbiting Titan. The station will be defended by elements of the Terran Republic Navy. As usual, click on the pictures to see high-resolution versions.

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Blockade: Directorate v. Imperials

Imperials escorting merchants to La Grange.

Imperials escorting merchants to La Grange.

The Second Coalition War begins with fictional Ivan (leading an Imperial fleet) escorting four freighters into La Grange past a raiding Directorate fleet led by fictional Dan. La Grange is orbiting Julana, a garden world that looks suspiciously like Titan.

This is the Convoy scenario tree, running along the Blockade fork because Ivan won fleet initiative.

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Workbench: Brigade’s Modular Container Ships

The one in the middle has some different modules on it.

The one in the middle has some different modules on it.

Given that I need to spend some time playtesting the Jump War, this will probably be the last workbench for a while. And since I’m covering much the same ground as my previous one, this one will fill in the gaps more.

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Workbench: Brigade Models’ Heavy Freighter

Brigade Models merchant ships.

Brigade Models merchant ships.

Remember how I kept mentioning Brigade Models ships during my post about the Belter Space Station? Well, I had an order of their merchant ships to repaint, so I figured I’d give context to what I was talking about.

On the left are two Modular Container Ships. This post is not about them.

On the right are Heavy Freighters. Given the title …

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